Course Directory—Sample Syllabi Search our Course Syllabi Apply BA 850 Sustainability Driven Innovation BIOET 533 Ethical Dimensions of Renewable Energy and Sustainability Systems Earth 10 Energy and Earth's Climate Earth 103N Earth in the Future Earth 104N Energy and the Environment Earth 107N Coastal Processes, Hazards, and Society Earth 111N Water: Science and Society EBF 200 Introduction to Energy and Earth Sciences Economics EBF 301 Global Finance for the Earth, Energy, and Materials Industries EBF 483 Introduction to Electricity Markets EGEE 101 Energy and the Environment EGEE 102 Energy Conservation for Environmental Protection EGEE 110 Environmental Health and Safety Science EGEE 120 Oil: International Evolution EGEE 299 Foreign Studies EGEE 401 Energy in a Changing World EGEE 438 Wind and Hydropower Energy Conversion EGEE 439 Alternative Fuels from Biomass Sources EGEE 495 Energy and Sustainability Policy Internship EME 210 Data Analytics for Energy Systems EME 444 Global Energy Enterprise EME 460 Geo-Resources Evaluation and Investment Analysis EME 466 Energy and Sustainability in Society EME 504 Foundations in Sustainability Systems EME 589 (EME 597) Management and Design of RESS EME 801 Energy Markets, Policy, and Regulation EME 802 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems EME 803 Applied Energy Policy EME 805 Renewable Energy and Non-Market Enterprise EME 807 Technologies for Sustainability Systems EME 810 Solar Resource Assessment and Economics EME 812 Utility Solar Power and Concentration EME 897 Solar Energy Integration and Economics EMSC 240N Energy and Sustainability in Contemporary Culture EMSC 299 Foreign Studies EMSC 302 Orientation to Energy and Sustainability Policy ESP 482 Local Climate Policy II: Climate Action FSC 432 Petroleum Processing GEOG 1N Global Parks and Sustainability GEOG 2N Apocalyptic Geographies GEOG 30N Environment and Society in a Changing World GEOG 3N Food and the Future Environment GEOG 430 Human Use of the Environment GEOG 432 Energy Policy GEOG 438W Human Dimensions of Global Warming GEOG 479 Spatial Data Science for Cyber and Human Social Networks GEOG 480 Exploring Imagery and Elevation Data in GIS Applications GEOG 481 Topographic Mapping with Lidar GEOG 482 Making Maps that Matter with GIS GEOG 483 Problem Solving with GIS GEOG 484 GIS Database Development GEOG 485 GIS Programming and Software Development GEOG 486 Cartography and Visualization GEOG 487 Environmental Challenges in Spatial Data Science GEOG 489 Advanced Python Programming for GIS GEOG 570 Capstone in Spatial Data Science GEOG 571 Intelligence Analysis, Cultural Geography, and Homeland Security GEOG 580 Geovisual Analytics GEOG 581 Spatial Data Science Ethics GEOG 582 AI in Spatial Data Science GEOG 583 Geospatial System Analysis and Design GEOG 585 Open Web Mapping GEOG 586 Geographic Information Analysis GEOG 587 Conservation GIS GEOG 588 Analytical Approaches for Spatial Data Science GEOG 589 Emerging Trends in Remote Sensing GEOG 591 GIS for Health GEOG 594A Culminating Experiences in Geospatial Intelligence GEOG 596A Individual Studies - Development of Capstone Project Proposal with Peer Review GEOG 596B Individual Studies – Completion of Capstone Project and Professional Presentation GEOG 596I Independent Study in Geospatial Intelligence GEOG 597 Geospatial Intelligence Principles and Methods in the Cyber Domain GEOG 597G Challenges in Global Geospatial Analytics GEOG 600A Thesis Proposal GEOG 600B Thesis Research GEOG 6N Maps and the Geospatial Revolution GEOG 850 Location Intelligence for Business GEOG 858 Spatial Data Science for Emergency Management GEOG 861 The Earth is Round and Maps are Flat: Working with Spatial Reference Systems in GIS GEOG 863 Web Application Development for Geospatial Professionals GEOG 865 Cloud and Server GIS GEOG 868 Spatial Database Management GEOG 870 Capstone in GIS GEOG 871 Geospatial Technology Project Management GEOG 882 Geographic Foundations of Geospatial Intelligence GEOG 883 Remote Sensing Image Analysis and Applications GEOG 884 Spatial Data Science and Intelligence Analysis GEOG 885 Analytical Methods and GEOAI in Geospatial Intelligence GEOG 892 Geospatial Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) GEOSC 10 Geology of the National Parks GEOSC 107N Rocks, Minerals, and the History of Art GEOSC 30 Volcanoes GEOSC 40 The Sea around Us GEOSC 402Y Natural Disasters GEOSC 50 Planetary Geology MATSE 201 Introduction to Materials Science MATSE 202 Introduction to Polymer Materials MATSE 259 Properties and Processing of Engineering Materials MATSE 400 Crystal Chemistry Sample Syllabus MATSE 413 Solid-State Materials MATSE 512 Principles of Crystal Chemistry MATSE 81 Materials In Today's World METEO 101 Understanding Weather Forecasting METEO 1N Surviving the Storm: Navigating Weather Disasters METEO 241 Fundamentals of Tropical Forecasting METEO 3 Introductory Meteorology METEO 300 Fundamentals of Atmospheric Science METEO 361 Fundamentals of Mesoscale Weather Forecasting METEO 410 Advanced Topics in Weather Forecasting METEO 469 From Meteorology to Mitigation: Understanding Global Warming METEO 7 An Introduction to Climate Sciences: Climate Change, Variability, and Society MNG 230 Introduction to Mining Engineering MNG 401 Introduction to Mining Operations PNG 301 Introduction to Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering