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GEOG 597G - Challenges in Global Geospatial Analytics

This is a sample syllabus.

This sample syllabus is a representative example of the information and materials included in this course. Information about course assignments, materials, and dates listed here is subject to change at any time. Definitive course details and materials will be available in the official course syllabus, in Canvas, when the course begins.


This class will be taught as an embedded course focused on data analytics and professional practice in Geographic Information Systems. Penn State students will participate in a collaborative data challenge project to engage with graduate students on a global-scale geospatial analysis problem. Penn State students will develop solutions to analyze a specific geospatial analysis problem. Penn State students will have the opportunity to present their work and develop new connections with EU geospatial professionals via a site visit to a European mapping agency. Students will work in teams to tackle this global-scale data set and use GeoAnalytics to arrive at a solution to visualize patterns over space and time.

This class is not taught every year and every time it is offered, the location and problem are different.


At the successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Collaboratively develop a workable solution to a geospatial problem
  • Work with a large geospatial database
  • Integrate powerful visualization and computational tools (such as GeoAnalytics) to help provide a solution
  • Synchronously and asynchronously collaborate with peers to provide feedback and listen to critiques
  • Formally present a solution to a large-scale geospatial problem

Required Materials

Typically, there are no required materials for this course. If this changes, students will find a definitive list in the course syllabus, in Canvas, when the course begins.




This course follows a blended learning environment. Two weeks of the course feature Penn State students traveling to European countries to spend time in an immersive environment collaborating with students at a European University. Also included during these weeks will be travels to a mapping agency and research universities in the EU. Outside of this two-week travel abroad, Penn State students will return to their respective homes and further develop the capstone deliverable in both written and video format for the remainder of the class.

Specific requirements for this course differ somewhat from the other GEOG courses. In consideration of the fact that this course involves travel to foreign countries, you will need the following:

  1. Ability to travel to a foreign country for a period of two weeks.
  2. A current passport.

Major Assignments

Students earn grades that reflect the extent to which they achieve the learning objectives listed above. Opportunities to demonstrate learning include the following activities:

  • Class participation (course discussions): 10%
  • Submitting weekly group project updates and draft proposal assignments: 30%
  • Engagement in peer-to-peer reviews: 10%
  • Presentation and submission of group project proposal draft: 20%
  • Presentation and submission of final group project proposal: 30%

Course Schedule

The schedule is different every time this course is offered. The specifics will be shared prior to the start of class.