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GEOG 861 - The Earth is Round and Maps are Flat: Working with Spatial Reference Systems in GIS

This is a sample syllabus.

This sample syllabus is a representative example of the information and materials included in this course. Information about course assignments, materials, and dates listed here is subject to change at any time. Definitive course details and materials will be available in the official course syllabus, in Canvas, when the course begins.


This class cultivates a working knowledge of geodetic datums, map projections, and grid systems that professionals need to process geospatial data effectively for mapping and analysis.

For students who work with spatial problems that require high-precision locational accuracy, this class will help you choose among the dizzying array of projections, datums, grid systems, and transformation processes to move between those systems to ensure spatial analysis and mapping work is accurate. Since GIS often involves merging multiple datasets, each of which is likely to be the product of a different projection and datum, GIS professionals need to be knowledgeable about these advanced topics to process geospatial data effectively for mapping and analysis.


GEOG 861 will provide students with an understanding of the concepts, terminology, and processes that will be useful in manipulating and handling datums, map projections, and coordinate systems.

At the successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • learn the often complex terminology that is associated with geodetic datums, map projections, and grid systems
  • use that terminology to modify and adjust geodetic datum, map projection, and grid system parameters for specific mapping purpose outcomes
  • contrast the differences between a geometric and geopotential datum and the characteristics that define each
  • explain why a specific geodetic datum, map projection, and grid system was adopted for various mapping situations in the GIS environment
  • understand how to weave through the often complex GIS environment’s interface when specifying geodetic datum, map projection, and grid system parameters
  • understand what impacts will occur as map projection parameters and geodetic datum definitions are modified for a specific coordinate system
  • transform datasets from one geodetic datum to another geodetic datum
  • perform a coordinate conversion from one map projection into a different map projection
  • integrate disparate geodetic datums, map projections, and grid systems into a GIS environment, paying particular attention to the processes involved in aligning all datasets into a single coordinate system definition
  • explain the mathematical processes involved in coordinate conversions and geodetic datum transformations

Required Materials

The materials listed here represent those that may be included in this course. Students will find a definitive list in the course syllabus, in Canvas, when the course begins.

Required Textbook

Sickle, Jan Van. 2010. Basic GIS Coordinates. 3rd edition. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press (ISBN: 9781498774628).

Required Software

ArcGIS Pro (available for free to current Penn State students)

Geocart (free version)

Recommended Texts

Iliffe, Jonathan, and Lott, Roger. 2008. Datums and Map Projections for Remote Sensing, GIS, and Surveying. 2nd edition. Dunbeath Caithness, Scotland: Whittles Publishing (also available through CRC Press). (ISBN: 9781420070415).

Meyer, Thomas. 2010. Introduction to Geometrical and Physical Geodesy: Foundations of Geomatics. ESRI Press, Redlands, CA (ISBN: 9781589482159).

Torge, Wolfgang and Müller, Jurgen. 2012. Geodesy. 4th edition. De Gruyter. Berlin. (ISBN: 9783110207187).

Lu, Zhiping, Qu, Yunying, and Qiao, Shubo. 2014. Geodesy: Introduction to Geodetic Datum and Geodetic Systems.  Springer (ISBN: 9783642412448).

Maher, Margaret. 2010. Lining up Data in ArcGIS: A Guide to Map Projections. 3rd edition. Redlands, California: ESRI Press (ISBN: 9781589485204).

Flacke, Werner and Kraus, Birgit. 2005. Working with Projections and Datum Transformations in ArcGIS: Theory and Practical Examples. Norden, Germany: Points Verlag (ISBN: 3980846350).

Snyder, John. 1987. Map Projections: A Working Manual. United States Geological Survey. Washington D.C. 

Hooijberg, Maarten. 2008. Geometrical Geodesy: Using Information and Computer Technology. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg (ISBN: 9783540254492).

Kessler, Fritz. and Battersby, Sarah. 2019. Working with Projections: A Guide to their Selection.  CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. (ISBN 9781138304987).

Journal of Geodesy


Prerequisites: GEOG 484 or permission of the instructor.


We have worked hard to make this the most effective and convenient educational experience possible. How much and how well you learn is dependent on your attitude, diligence, and willingness to ask for clarifications or help when you need them. We are here to help you succeed. Please keep up with the class schedule and take advantage of opportunities to communicate with us and with your fellow students. You can expect to spend an average of 12 – 15 hours per week on class work.

Major Assignments

Weekly Projects (comprising of approximately 70% of the course grade)

Each lesson concludes with a hands-on project to be completed individually by the student.

Weekly Quizzes (comprising of approximately 20% of the course grade)

A quiz will be held at the end of each lesson to test the student's comprehension of class materials and other reading as required.

Class participation (comprising of approximately 10% of the course grade)

Individual participation via each week's online discussion forum.

Course Schedule

Course Schedule
1Coordinate Reference Systems and the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Database
  • Complete Project 1.
  • Answer questions that assess the results of your exploring the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Database.
  • Where specified, include 1) .jpg images of the different results obtained from your working with coordinate systems and 2) any calculations that are required in the lesson.
  • Include a short summary reporting on what you learned from Lesson 1 on the importance of the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Database.
  • Take the Lesson 1 quiz.
2Horizontal Datum Fundamentals
  • Complete Project 2.
  • Answer the questions within the lesson that focuses on Earth's complicated shape and how horizontal datums can be used to model that shape.
  • Where specified, include 1) .jpg images of the different results obtained from your working with datum transformations and 2) any calculations that are required in the lesson.
  • Include a short summary reporting on what you learned from Lesson 2 about how coordinate systems impact measurement activities.
  • Take the Lesson 2 quiz.
3Horizontal Datum Transformation Methods
  • Complete Project 3.
  • Answer the questions within the lesson that deals with horizontal datum transformations and their variants.
  • Where specified, include 1) .jpg images of the different results obtained from your working with datum transformations and 2) any calculations that are required in the lesson.
  • Include a short summary reporting on what you learned from Lesson 3 about how grid systems impact the measurement activities.
  • Take the Lesson 3 quiz.
4Vertical Datum and Transformations
  • Complete Project 4.
  • Answer the questions within the lesson that deals with vertical datums and their transformations.
  • Where specified, include 1) .jpg images of the different results obtained from your working with datum transformations and 2) any calculations that are required in the lesson.
  • Include a short summary reporting on what you learned from Lesson 4 about how coordinate systems impact measurement activities.
  • Take the Lesson 4 quiz.
5Map Projection Elements
  • Complete Project 5.
  • Answer the questions within the lesson that deal with understanding and implementing the different parameters that are associated with different map projections.
  • Where specified, include 1) .jpg images of the different results obtained from your working with datum transformations and 2) any calculations that are required in the lesson.
  • Include a short summary reporting on what you learned from Lesson 5 about how coordinate systems impact measurement activities.
  • Take the Lesson 5 quiz.
6Map Projection Scale Factors and Distortion
  • Complete Project 6.
  • Answer the questions within the lesson that focus on the different map projection properties.
    Where specified, include 1) .jpg images of the different results obtained from your working with datum transformations and 2) any calculations that are required in the lesson.
  • Include a short summary reporting on what you learned from Lesson 6 about how coordinate systems impact measurement activities.
  • Take the Lesson 6 quiz.
7Cartometric Activities with Map Projections
  • Complete Project 7.
  • Answer the questions within the lesson that deal with measuring tasks carried out on a GCS, PCS, and a customized PCS according to the geographic area of interest.
  • Where specified, include 1) .jpg images of the different results obtained from your working with datum transformations and 2) any calculations that are required in the lesson.
  • Include a short summary reporting on what you learned from Lesson 7 about how to coordinate systems impact measurement activities.
  • Take the Lesson 7 quiz.
8Grid Mapping Systems - State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS)
  • Complete Project 8.
  • Answer the questions within the lesson that deal with the State Plane Coordinate System.
    Where specified, include 1) .jpg images of the different results obtained from your working with datum transformations and 2) any calculations that are required in the lesson.
  • Include a short summary reporting on what you learned from Lesson 8 about how coordinate systems impact measurement activities.
  • Take the Lesson 8 quiz.
9Grid Mapping Systems - Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
  • Complete Project 9.
  • Answer the questions within the lesson that deal with the Universal Transverse Mercator.
  • Where specified, include 1) .jpg images of the different results obtained from your working with datum transformations and 2) any calculations that are required in the lesson.
  • Include a short summary report on what you learned from Lesson 8 about how to coordinate systems impact measurement activities.
  • Take the Lesson 9 quiz.
10Specifying Complete Coordinate Reference System and Parameters
  • Complete Project 10.
  • Answer the questions within the lesson that discuss the process of defining a complete coordinate system.
  • Where specified, include 1) .jpg images of the different results obtained from your working with datum transformations and 2) any calculations that are required in the lesson.
  • Include a short summary report on what you learned from Lesson 8 about how coordinate systems impact measurement activities.
  • Take the Lesson 10 quiz.