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Welcome to Dutton News! Here you'll find our own reporting on best practices and cutting-edge research in the field of learning design. We also link to news in the broader Penn State community and beyond. This is your comprehensive source for everything happening where the science of learning meets the art of design!

Coffee Hour talk to discuss humanistic GIS opportunities and challenges

January 21st, 2023

The use of geographic information systems (GIS) has proliferated, especially in the last decade, and has greatly expanded the connotation of GIS technology from primarily a diverse suite of digital objects, representations, and devices that create or make use of geographical information to a mediated means with which we humans experience, explore, or make sense of the world.

Dutton Digest, January 2023

January 15th, 2023

This digest introduces a tech tool called Yellowdig, provides a glimpse of Ed Tech trends for 2023, and shares information on a new standardized approach to microcredentialing.

Dutton Digest, May 2022

May 5th, 2022

Topics of this month's digest include engaging learners for relevancy and retention, combatting learning loss, and rethinking student support.