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Making your Videos, Narrated Screen Captures and Audio Files Accessible
September 2nd, 2015
Videos, narrated screen captures, and audio files need three things to be accessible to all students.
- transcripts
- notes before the video referencing the topic and length of the video
- closed captions
If you have NOT created the content yourself and the original author has not included accurate captions, a transcript will suffice. NOTE: You can NOT rely on YouTube automatic captions.
At Dutton, we use a third party vendor to create transcripts and captions and then add them to your course, but we need faculty help to make sure that all videos are in compliance.
Please spend a minute reviewing your part in this process.
For fun, I added the Rhett & Link (2011) YouTube video "CAPTION FAIL: Lady Gaga Putt-Putt Rally" below (3:55 minutes). This demonstrates the problems that occur when automation captions are used.
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